Friday, January 25, 2013

Just an Update

I realize I've done a lousy job of blogging this month.  I've had a lot of stuff going one, much of which I haven't yet written about here, although I plan to do so soon.  I've been busy, and last week I was sick with the flu all week, and I just haven't had the time, energy, or motivation for blogging.  I plan to do better next month.

So what's been going on?  In a nutshell:
  • Mike and I separated.  That actually happened a couple months ago.  I just haven't been ready to write about it yet.
  • I spent five days in the hospital after Thanksgiving, due to depression and PTSD.  It was a horrible, horrible experience, and I do want to write about it, but I've needed time to recover a bit first.
  • My mother and sister are not talking to me.  They got mad when I mentioned something on Facebook about being sexually abused as a child and... well, I don't want to post a lot of information about other people here because I want to respect their privacy.  I'm comfortable talking about myself and my own experiences but I don't want to talk about other people without their permission.  The bottom line is that they are angry and not speaking to me.
  • I've been doing some energy work, which, if you're not familiar with the concept, is a form of alternative healing.  It's actually helping a lot.  I have very little back pain these days and even my PTSD symptoms are better.  I'm loving it.
  • Isaac continues to learn new tasks.  Currently, we are working on having him put clothes into the laundry basket himself when he takes them out of the dryer instead of handing them to me to put them into the basket.  I also want to teach him to retrieve my cell phone for me, but I have to find some sort of case for it first because I don't want him to slobber all over it in the process.
  • We've been continuing to practice the Treat Toss, and Isaac can now do it with hotdogs, which I think is really impressive.
  • I had the flu all last week.  I was sick for an entire week.  And I got a flu shot this year, too.  Blah.
I promise to get back to blogging more regularly.  So please stick with me!

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