Thursday, March 22, 2018

What's New?

I haven't blogged in a long time.  Lots has been going on, I've been busy, and I guess I just haven't felt like blogging.

What's new?

  • I moved.  I move to Nebraska.  I've been here almost three months now and I like it a lot but wow.  What a change!  Why I moved is kind of a long story and it will be a post of its own.
  • Next week I am going to court, small claims court, suing my former landlord for a number of things.  I will wait to write about it until after the case is heard, but part of it relates to my service dog and part of it relates to being disabled.  It's why I moved, or at least a big part of why.
  • Isaac got a scratch on his eyeball and his eye got infected.  He's fine now but he had to get antibiotic eye drops and some other eye drops and he did not care for that at all.  
  • Whiskers is on a diet.  She has officially been declared a fat cat and our new vet here in Nebraska recommended she go on a diet.  She actually doesn't seem to mind too much.
  • I have perfected a new dog treat recipe, Chicken and Apple flavor treats.  I'll share the recipe in a later post.

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