Monday, March 18, 2013

Stuffed and Frozen Kongs

A dog with a frozen Kong stuffed with peanut butter and pureed pumpkin is a happy, happy dog. And a quiet dog. And a dog that is not trying to eat cat poop out of the litter box. It's a good thing.

To make stuffed and frozen Kongs, you need one or more Kongs and something to stuff them with.  I used about three tablespoons of creamy peanut butter and three tablespoons of pureed pumpkin (it's in the grocery store next to the pie filling in the baking aisle).  Mix them in a bowl, then spoon them into the Kong, then stick the Kong in the freezer for at least a couple hours.  Freezing it makes the filling thicker so it takes a lot longer for the dog to lick it out.

Other ideas for filling include:

  • Plain yogurt

  • Plain yogurt mixed with pureed pumpkin

  • Peanut butter mixed with cooked oatmeal

  • Peanut butter mixed with doggie kibble

  • Peanut butter mixed with a little applesauce

 Someone told me that she puts layers of filling in her Kongs.  For instance, she might put two tablespoons of yogurt mixed with pureed pumpkin in, then freeze it for a couple hours, then put two tablespoons of peanut butter mixed with doggie kibble and freeze that for a couple hours, then top it off with chicken broth and freeze until the broth is solid. 

Now I want to make a bunch of frozen Kongs with different flavors for Isaac.  Unfortunately, he only has one Kong (he had another but somehow lost it) and they are expensive so I am not going to go out and buy a bunch just for this purpose.  I do want to play around with different yummy fillings for him, though.


  1. I'm going to send this info to my daughter, she has a 5 mo old puppy and this sounds great for him. Thanks!

    1. Kongs are fantastic dog toys. They are virtually indestructible. Isaac is a champion chewer - he literally chews basketballs to tiny shreds - and Kongs are one of the few toys he has yet to destroy. And you can stuff them with stuff. It keeps dogs busy for hours. What more could you want? :)

  2. Kelly, what size Kong does Isaac use? I noticed they come in several different sizes.

    1. I think the one he has right now is the X-Large. And I think he previously had a Large, and that's the one he somehow lost. It has to be in the house somewhere but I've looked everywhere and can't find it. The X-Large is a good size for chewing for him, but the large hole is bigger than it was on the Large Kong and so some treats fall out too easily. I think if I buy another one, I'll go with the Large again.
