Monday, August 27, 2012

The Next Step

I emailed the director of the service dog program to find out what the next step of the process is.  She said as soon as she has all my paperwork, which she should be receiving in another day or two because I mailed it over the weekend, she will contact me to schedule a home visit.  Oh.  That means I have to clean my house, doesn't it?

Well, Mike cleaned the toilet over the weekend.  Does that count?

But I'm thinking it probably means I need to scrub the carpet where it smells like cat pee, thanks to Miss Cayenne.  And knock down the cobwebs I noticed around the light fixture in the bathroom the other day.

She told me there are two dogs that are within a few months of finishing their training that she is thinking might be suitable for me.  So I'm excited.  I could have my service dog by the end of the year.

I gotta work more on the fundraising.  I've had a couple churches offer some assistance, so I think it's going well so far.

And at least I have an incentive to clean my house!

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