Monday, July 6, 2015

You're Not Leaving, Are You?

Today Isaac and I went to the dog park for a while and most of the time we were the only ones there. At one point, I decided I wanted something from my car, and since no other dogs were there and my car was parked right outside the fence, I left Isaac in the fenced in area while I went to my car for a second. Poor Isaac, I think he thought I was going to leave him there. He was busy playing and having fun, but as soon as I went out the gate, he ran over to the gate and stood right by it, looking sad and worried, until I returned. It was kind of sweet but kind of sad, too. Silly doggie, like I would ever leave him anywhere.

1 comment:

  1. To: Kelly and Issac
    thank you for sharing your experience @ the dogie park. The bond between a service dog/etc further demonstrates the love/ close bond between service dog partner and his/her companion.
