Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How to Pet a Dog

Did you know there is a right way and a wrong way (several wrong ways, really) to pet a dog?  This is.  I was actually reading about it this morning before going to see Isaac.

Here's what to do when you meet a dog you want to pet.

1.  Ask permission from the dog's owner.  The dog may not be friendly, he may be a working dog, or perhaps the owner just wants to tell the dog to sit before someone pets him.  So always ask before petting a dog.

2.  Don't look the dog in the eye.  Dogs interpret that as a challenge.

3.  Turn sideways as you approach the dog.  That makes you look less threatening and tells the dog you're a friendly person.

4.  Give the dog a moment to sniff you.  Dogs learn a lot by smelling people.

5.  Stroke the dog gently from the back of the neck toward the tail.  Don't make any sudden moves.  If the dog growls or does anything that suggests he doesn't want to be petted, stop.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kelly. I didn't know about some of these such as not looking a dog in the eye and approaching sideways. I thought it was bad to smile at an unfamiliar dog since it looks like one is baring their teeth but I thought eye contact was a good thing. I'd rather not find out the hard way I was wrong! Thanks for posting this.
