Friday, April 26, 2013

Driving to My Apartment

I'm going to post a photo tour of my apartment soon, but I thought I'd post some pics of the drive to my apartment first.  My apartment is in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, which is one of the things I like about it.  Whichever direction from which you approach, it looks pretty much like this.


  1. Beautiful. So peaceful. Sigh. Everywhere I look there's nothing but pavement and parking lots.

    1. That's why I wanted to live here. All the trees and fields, little family farms, ponds, creeks... somehow I didn't get any pictures of cows, but maybe I will later. There are lots of cows around. There are a number of small dairy farms in the area, including the one where I get raw milk. See the Amish buggy sign? There are horses and buggies. It is peaceful.
