Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Isaac's Cow Costume

As I mentioned a few days ago, my apartment complex is having a Halloween party and Isaac and I plan to go.  There are prizes for the best costumes.  I am going to dress as a farmer and Isaac is going to be a cow.

I spent most of the day yesterday working on his costume.  I was supposed to be writing some articles about  mold.  Making his costume seemed a lot more fun.

I bought some black and white calico from JoAnn Fabrics that looked like a cow.  It was really thin, like calico tends to be, so I thought the color of his vest would show through it, and a green cow was not the look I was going for, so I bought some white flannel to put under it.  I found a remnant of pink terrycloth to use to make an udder.  All in all, I spent about $8.

I cut the calico and flannel and sewed them together, then used double-sided tape to attach them to Isaac's service dog vest.

I traced my hand to get the udder shape and basically made it like a glove, stuffed with scraps of cloth.

Here's what it looks like on him.

I still want a cow bell to put in his collar but I couldn't find one at Hobby Lobby.  I might try to make one.


  1. Replies
    1. I think there are going to be a few different prizes and I figure Isaac and I have to win one because, well, it's a dog dressed like a cow. And I kind of have an unfair advantage because no one else will have a dog and a dog in a costume is just cute. And Isaac is just adorable. Everyone loves Isaac. How could he not win?
